Truth is, this title is a misnomer because we actually knew Cantor and his gang of republican congressional ne’er-do-wells all too well. How many times have we seen him and boehner scurrying back and forth with great immediacy through the halls deep below Congress, running from one important ‘How Can We Try To Kill Obamacare Again (and Again)’ meeting to another, with a gaggle of reporters in tow, reluctantly relenting to the many requests for a Press Conference so he can now dispense his wisdom and secret knowledge of events to the ignorant masses.
And, let us not forget Cantor’s many $3,500 hand-tailored suits - perfectly pressed as if he just put it on for the cameras - hugging a slim fit $350 white Brioni shirt that would feed a family of four for three weeks.
No, we knew him way too well and I, for one, am glad to see him go. Buh-Bye, Now!
The way the Main Stream Media makes excuses for the tea party’s so called recent election ‘success’ is exactly the same as the mother of a drug addict who enables his behavior by constantly making up really good reasons why it’s not really his fault that her son has been arrested 15 times.
These press pundits minimize the fact that the main reason cantor lost his district was because he completely alienated his constituents by rarely coming home, and when he did, it was with a security detail of speeding SUVs blowing through town. He lost touch w/his voters years ago. He paid more and more attention to his national aspirations while sweeping his local congressional district and his constituents under the rug.
He lost because he was at a national fundraiser in Washington the DAY of the primary with his constituents located a mere 90 miles away in Virginia!
He lost because his ‘steakhouse’ food bill alone far exceeded his opponent’s ENTIRE campaign outlay! And, BTW: you do realize that there are NO Bobby Van or B.L.T. steakhouses in his VA 7th congressional district! They are, of course, along with his professional campaign managers, located within the beltway of Washington, DC, which is how he managed to completely cut his own voters out of the election process.
"...those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger, ended up inside."
John F. Kennedy - January 21, 1961
NOTE TO ERIC: Never, ever spend a million dollars plastering your completely unknown opponent’s name all over the television with media buys thereby enhancing his name recognition by a factor of ‘Mucho-Mucho’.
BTW: Cantor spent over $173 dollars for each vote he received, while his opponent spent a grand total of… $3.40 per vote!!! Can I get a ‘WTF’?!?
Further, I can let you in on a secret. It was NOT because Cantor was Jewish. Do you think his constituents finally realized what his religion was AFTER he was previously elected to his seat SEVEN separate times over the last two decades?
And, it was NOT because of democrats invading the republican’s ‘open’ primary as that would have required a concerted effort of well over 5,000 dems to sabotage the polling stations that day, which didn't happen.
Immigration? Nope. Lindsey Graham survived that poison pill in his recent primary against tea party challengers with zero effort on his part.
And, most importantly, cantor most certainly did not lose because of a brilliant campaign waged by his tea party candidate opponent, which is what the Press now inexplicably asserts, including claims of an unfathomable public resurgence of tea party power and principles.
(Wait, I can’t breathe, give me a second to stop laughing about this one.)
No, the bottom line is that Cantor would have lost to SpongeBob SquarePants last Tuesday. Period.
Notice how the tea party is currently running around boasting about their ‘stunning’ upset of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, however, let’s sit back and watch the ‘establishment’ republicans predictably block ANY teapublican from ascending to that position as it is already slated to go to a party ‘regular’ instead. Someone who can take orders.
No Majority Leadership post for YOU, tea party!!
So, what’s next for Cantor? Don’t worry, Eric, you can now start your retirement plan by becoming a multi-million dollar hooker, err, I mean, Lobbyist, for the highest bidder! Boeing owes you BIG TIME for your rigging gov’t loans their way to facilitate BILLION$ of dollars in aircraft sales at the expense of other American manufacturers - all paid for by the American taxpayer. So, give ‘em a call.
Remember my mother's first rule, Mr. Former Congressman: "If you don’t ask, you don’t get".
Or, perhaps the GOP will offer you in the chairmanship of the RNC (Rethuglican National Committee)? What the heck? Maybe Shelly Adelson will throw you a bone? I hear he’s looking for someone to recharge his ‘Rascal Roundabout’.
This week’s big surprise was that we got rid of one of the bad guys, and a very powerful one at that! Now there is not even ONE republican remaining in the House who is not a Christian!
Who would have thunk it?!?
Time to celebrate Eric’s loss, America! Enjoy your Sunday!